
目前顯示的是 5月, 2023的文章

28 May 2023 | John 7 : 37~39 |

The presence of Jesus, His teachings, and His actions carry profound symbolic meanings. Jesus used the metaphor of "living water" to depict a deep longing for spiritual fulfillment rather than mere physical thirst. It encompasses the yearning for God and faith felt by the people during that time. Jesus beckoned those who yearned for satisfaction to come to Him, using the imagery of "living water" to describe the Gospel and the gift of the Holy Spirit. The term "desire" represents the inner longing of the human heart, a yearning for spiritual contentment and knowledge of the truth. Furthermore, the scriptures highlight the significance of the Holy Spirit and its impact on the lives of believers. Jesus' reference to "living water" denotes the work and gift of the Holy Spirit, a precious endowment for those in a relationship with Christ. The arrival of the Holy Spirit enables individuals to find genuine fulfillment from within. This satisfaction...

28 May 2023 | 若望福音 7 : 37~39 |

耶穌的存在、耶穌的話語、耶穌的行動一切都充滿着象徵性的意義,他以活水來形容,其實是指向口渴的人,而口渴並不是指定實質肉體上的口渴,而是心靈上的渴慕、渴求,亦可見當時人民、群眾對信仰的渴求。 耶穌呼籲那些渴望滿足的人來到祂那裡,並且以「活水」的形象來形容祂所賜的福音和 聖神 。這裡的「渴望」指的是人心靈的渴望,渴望著屬靈的滿足和真理的認識。 另外經文強調了 聖神 的重要性和對信徒生命的影響。耶穌所說的「活水」指的是 聖神 的工作和恩賜,這是信徒在與基督的關係中所能得到的豐盛禮物。 聖神 的到來使得人能夠從內心獲得真實的滿足,並且這滿足會如同活水一樣源源不斷地流動,使信徒的屬靈生 命得以滋潤和成長。然而, 聖神 的賜予是耶穌升天後的工作,因此在此之前, 聖神 還沒有賜下來,這並不表示 聖神 完全不存在或不活動。這段經文中的「還沒有賜下 聖神 」是指 聖神 的特殊恩寵和能力在那個時刻尚未賜給人類,而不是 聖神 完全不存在。 Picture :  https://stevesbiblemeditations.com/2023/02/18/when-god-cries-out-john-737-39/

21 May 2023 | 瑪竇福音 28 : 16~20 |

經文中指出 基督的權柄,宗徒們來到 加里肋亞 的一座山, 耶穌 要向宗徒們講論一些重要事情,這強調了基督在天上的地位,和祂的話語具有極高的權威性。 其次宗 徒們的派遣,耶穌向宗徒們下了一個使命,那是一個派遣,祂告訴宗徒們要去使萬民作祂 的門徒,並以聖父、聖子和聖神的名字給他們施洗,這表明耶穌將宗徒視為自己的代理人,授予他們教導、施洗和傳教的權力和責任。 耶穌向 萬民的教導,這項使命超越了特定的種族、國家或地域,強調了教會的普世性,基督徒被呼召去將福音傳播給所有人,無論對方是誰、來自哪裡或信仰什麼,都提醒我們在信仰生活中的責任,以及分享天主的愛及救恩。 經文中提到要為人施洗,並且以聖父、聖子和聖神的名字來進行。這暗示了聖三的存在和他們在教會信仰中的重要性。這也反映了聖三共同參與基督徒的洗禮和屬靈生活,並給予他們力量和恩寵。 經文的最後部分亦指出, 耶穌的同在直到永遠。 PIcture :  https://www.hearthymn.com/the-great-commission-matthew-28-16-20.html

21 May 2023 | Matthew 28 : 16~20 |

When the apostles went to a big mountain, Jesus had something very important to tell them. It showed that Jesus is very powerful and his words are very important. Jesus gave the apostles a special mission. He told them to go and teach people from all countries about him. They had to baptize them using the names of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This means that Jesus trusted the apostles to do important work like teaching, baptizing, and spreading his message. Jesus wanted everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from, to know about him. He wanted his love and salvation to reach everyone. This reminds us that we also have a responsibility to share God's love with others and tell them about Jesus. When people are baptized, they are welcomed into the Church and they use the names of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. This shows that the Holy Trinity is very important in our faith. The Holy Trinity is God, and they help and guide us ...

14 May 2023 | John 14 : 15~21 | Sunday Gospel

This passage contains a lot of theological information to explore. However, instead of discussing difficult theological concepts, let's continue our discussion on "Relationships" from last week. In the Bible, the Holy Spirit is revealed in many different forms, such as water in 1 Corinthians 12:13, fire in Luke 3:16, and a dove in Genesis 8:8-12 and Matthew 3:16. The Holy Spirit is also sent through actions like laying on of hands in Acts 16:18 and Acts 8:17-19. Anointing with oil is also a sign of the Holy Spirit's presence, as it signifies receiving a sacrament such as Confirmation or Anointing of the Sick, during which the Holy Spirit descends. In John 14:15-21, Jesus identifies the Holy Spirit as the "Paraclete" who will be sent to the apostles after his ascension. Jesus not only says that he is in the Father and the Father is in him, but also that the apostles are in him and he is in them, demonstrating the relationship between Jesus and his followers. ...

14 May 2023 | John 14 : 15~21 | Sunday Gospel

這篇經文有很多神學資料可以探討,但是,與其討論艱辛的神學討論,倒不如延續上星期有關《關係》的討論。 聖經內,聖神以很多不同的形式顯示。如: 水:格前 12:13 火: 路 3:16 鴿子:創 8:8-12、瑪 3:16 通過行動而派遣聖神,如: 覆手,谷16:18 覆手而賦予聖神,宗 8:17~19 傅油亦是聖神降臨的標記,因為領受聖事,例如堅振,病人傅油等的時候,透過傅油,聖神降臨。 以上就是聖神在聖經內的形象與形式,而若望 14 : 15~21,耶穌則言明聖神乃《護慰者,縱然耶穌升天後仍派遣聖神與宗徒們同行。耶穌不單說祂在父內,父在祂內,這次更對宗徒說:宗徒在祂內,祂也在宗徒內,說明了耶穌與團體的關係。 我們藉著領洗成為教友,加入教會團體,與耶穌同在教會當中。 Picture :  https://kekovacs.blogspot.com/2014/05/the-spirit-of-truth-love.html

7 May 2023 | John 14 : 1~12 | Sunday Gospel

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You trust in God, trust also in me. (John 14:1) Jesus talked about two types of relationships - the one between Himself and His disciples and the one between Himself and God the Father. He told His disciples to trust in God and in Him, which means to have faith that God will always be there for them even in tough times. He also reassured them that they didn't need to worry when He was about to leave them. Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? What I say to you I do not speak of my own accord: it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his works. (John 14:10) Jesus emphasized that there is a special connection and unity between Christians. He said that He is in the Father, His disciples are in Him, and He is in them. This means that all Christians are united and connected through their belief in Jesus. This is important to remember because it is also a vital concept in the Church. Jesus said: I am the Way; I am Trut...

7 May 2023 | 若望福音 14 : 1~12 | 主日福音

耶穌強調了兩重的關係,首先 祂 講述自己與門徒的關係,和與天主父的關係, 「你們心裏不要煩亂;你們要信賴天主,也要信賴我。 」 (若 14:1) 是對天主父的信任,是信徒在生命中困難時能夠依靠的根基, 耶穌向門徒們保證,他們不必擔心祂即將離開的事情。 耶穌也提到了他和門徒們的關係。他告訴他們:「我在父內,你們在我內,我在你們內。」(若望福音 14:10)。這強調了基督徒之間的聯繫和合一,這也是教會中的重要概念之一。這不單止說出耶穌與門徒們的關係, 或許,這更說明了耶穌與現今信徒的關係。 另外, 祂 也論及 祂 自己與天主父 之間的關係 。 祂 說: 「我是道路、真理、生命,除非經過我,誰也不能到父那裏去。 你們若認識我,也就必然認識我父;現在你們已認識他,並且已經看見他。」 (若 14:6~7) 這種觀念在基督信仰中是為重要,因為它強調了耶穌作為唯一的救恩來源和天主父的代表。 斐理伯 對耶穌說:「主!把父顯示給我們,我們就心滿意足了。」 (若 14:8) 雖然這說出 斐理伯對耶穌的不理解,但耶穌仍回答說:「 斐理伯 !這麼長久的時候,我和你們在一起,而你還不認識我嗎?誰看見了我,就是看見了父;你怎麼說:把父顯示給我們呢?你不信我在父內,父在我內嗎?我對你們所說的話,不是憑我自己講的;而是住在我內的父,作他自己的事業。你們要相信我:我在父內,父也在我內;若不然,你們至少該因那些事業而相信。」 (若 14:9~11) 這就涉及了耶穌既是真人、亦是真天主的身份。 我像耶穌哪一位門徒?懷疑論者多默?背叛者猶達斯?還是漁夫伯多 祿? 我們能否再一次檢討,耶穌是誰? Picture : https://www.stpaulsmonastery.org/reflection-on-john-14/