
目前顯示的是 7月, 2023的文章

Moving Our OMG Media Blog - Exploring New Opportunities

Introduction: Dear readers, thank you for your support and love for our OMG Media Blog. We have exciting news to share with you! Due to our growth and the need for more development, we will be moving our blog to a new website. This is an important milestone as we strive to provide higher quality content and reach a wider audience. In this blog post, we will explain why we are moving and share our plans for the future. Reasons for Moving: Over the past few years, our OMG Media Blog has grown and become successful. We have gained more readers, and our content has expanded. However, this growth has brought some challenges. Our old website is not able to meet our needs anymore, so we have decided to move to a more powerful platform. Advantages of the New Platform: Our new website will provide a better user experience and more features that meet our readers' expectations. Here are some advantages of our new platform: Speed and Stability: The new platform is faster and more reliable, all...

OMG Media Blog 網誌搬家記——邁向新的發展之路

導言: 親愛的讀者們,感謝你們一直以來對我們 OMG Media Blog 網誌的支持和厚愛。我們很高興地宣布,出於發展的需要,我們將開始一段新的旅程,搬到一個全新的網址上。這將是我們追求更高質量內容和更廣泛讀者群的一個重要里程碑。在這篇網誌文章中,我們將向大家分享我們搬家的原因和未來的計劃。 搬家的原因: 隨著時間的推移,我們的 OMG Media Blog 網誌在過去的幾年裡取得了令人驚訝的成長和成功。我們的讀者群越來越大,我們的內容也不斷擴充。然而,這也帶來了一些挑戰和限制。我們舊有的網址無法再滿足我們的需求,因此我們決定搬家到一個更強大的平台上。 新平台的優勢: 我們的新網址將提供更好的使用者體驗和更多的功能,以滿足讀者對我們內容的期望。以下是我們新平台的一些優勢: 速度和穩定性:新平台具有更高的伺服器容量和更快的響應時間,確保讀者可以快速且順暢地瀏覽我們的網誌內容。 設計和用戶界面:我們將提供一個簡潔且現代化的設計,使讀者能夠更輕鬆地導航和尋找他們感興趣的內容。 互動功能:新平台將提供更多的互動功能,包括評論系統、分享按鈕和社交媒體整合,讓讀者能夠更方便地參與和分享我們的文章。 適應性和可擴展性:新平台將能夠更好地適應未來的發展和擴展需求,使我們能夠提供更多多元化和豐富的內容。 搬家計劃和過程: 我們的搬家計劃將分為幾個階段,以確保順利遷移並減少讀者的不便。以下是我們的搬家過程: 通知讀者:我們將在舊網址上發布公告,告知讀者我們即將搬家,並提供新網址的資訊。 設立重定向:我們將在舊網址上設置重定向功能,以將讀者自動轉發到新網址。 數據遷移:我們將小心地遷移我們的內容、用戶資料和訂閱者列表到新平台上,以確保沒有任何資訊丟失。 測試和調整:在正式啟用新平台之前,我們將進行全面測試和調整,以確保一切運作正常且符合我們的期望。 正式啟用:一旦所有測試都通過,我們將正式啟用新網址,並邀請讀者們前來探索我們全新的 OMG Media Blog 網誌。 結語:  我們 OMG Media Blog 網誌搬家計劃正式啟動,這是我們發展的必然步驟。我們相信新的平台將為我們帶來更多的機會和挑戰,同時也能夠更好地回應讀者的需求和期望。讀者始終是我們最重要的動力和支持,我們將繼續努力創造優質的內容,與大家一同成長。謝謝大家的支持,讓我們一同邁向新的發展之路! ...

09 July 2023 | Matthew 11:25-30 |

Jesus thanked God the Father for revealing wisdom to children and hiding it from the wise and intelligent. Being humble means that Jesus recognised God's plan and understood that God's wisdom surpasses human understanding. He was willing to reveal Himself to those who are humble and pure. Jesus also spoke a very important truth: "All things have been entrusted to me by my Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him". This shows that Jesus is the representative of God the Father, and only through Jesus can people truly know God the Father and come close to Him. Jesus described himself as a person with a "gentle and humble heart". He invited all those who were weary and burdened to come to him and promised them rest. This is an example of humility. He didn't welcome people with pride and arrogance, but with love and gentleness. He was willing to help them lighten their burdens and give them inner peac...

09 July 2023 | 瑪竇福音 11:25-30 |

耶穌稱謝天主父,因為祂已將智慧啟示給小孩子而隱藏於智慧和聰明之人。 謙虛,是在於耶穌認識到天主的計劃,和天主的智慧遠超出人類的理解,並且願意向謙卑和純潔的人啟示祂自己。 耶穌更說出了一個非常重要的真理,即「一切所有的,都交給我父,而只有父,認識子;除子外,沒有人能認識父;認識子的,也是父。」這表明耶穌是天主父的代表,唯有透過耶穌,人們才能真正認識和接近天主父。 耶穌自稱是「良善和謙虛的心」的人。 祂 接著邀請所有勞苦和負重的人到祂這裡來,並應許他們得到安息。這是 謙虛的體現。 祂不以驕傲和高傲的態度迎接人們,而是滿懷慈愛和溫柔,並願意幫助他們減輕負擔,並賜予內心的平安。 耶穌顯示出謙虛的態度,並且願意啟示天主的計劃和真理,給那些謙卑和渴望真理的人。同時,祂也是人們能夠尋求安息和得到平安的依靠,因為只有透過耶穌,人們才能真正認識和接近天主父。 經文提醒我們要保持謙虛的心態,願意接受天主的啟示和真理。同時,我們也應該尋求耶穌,因為祂是我們能夠依靠、尋求安息和平安的道路。 我們有沒有 保持謙虛的心態? 怎樣才是「良善和謙虛的心」?

02 July 2023 | Matthew 10:37-42 |

Jesus Christ proposed trade-offs between faith and worldly things and love for others. The love of the world for Jesus should go beyond the love of loved ones, even beyond the love of self. This does not mean that we should completely ignore or abandon family relationships, but that we should put love and obedience to God first and be willing to deny ourselves and take up our own cross for the sake of God's way. Welcome those who serve God and offer help and love to the smallest and weakest. Even a small act of kindness with a glass of cold water is rewarded before God. To put God first, to love God above all else, and to be willing to sacrifice oneself for the sake of His ways and ministries, is not to exclude material life or family relationships, but to remind us that material and human relationships should be subordinated to spiritual values. The spiritual and the material can be balanced. We can better understand and practice the values of the Christian faith and treat others ...

02 July 2023 | 瑪竇福音 10:37-42 |

耶穌基督對他的門徒提出了一個重要的教導,關於對信仰和世俗事物的取捨,以及對他人的愛。世人對耶穌的愛,應該超越對親人的愛,甚至超越對自己的愛。這並不是說要完全忽略或拋棄家庭關係,而是指出我們應該把對天主的愛和追隨放在首位,並願意為了天主的道路而放下自我,背起自己的十字架 。 也應該接納和支持那些為天主服務的人,無論他們的地位有多高或多低,以及對最微小、最軟弱的人施以幫助和關愛。即使是一杯涼水的小善行,也會在天主面前得到賞報。將天主放在首位,愛天主超過一切,並願意為了祂的道路和服務而放下自我,這並不是排斥物質生活或家庭關係,而是提醒我們物質和人際關係,應該在靈性價值之下。通過將靈性與物質的比重放在適當的位置,我們能更好地理解和實踐基督信仰的價值觀,並以愛和仁慈對待他人,特別是那些最需要我們幫助和支持的人。 Picture :  https://achristianpilgrim.wordpress.com/2020/06/27/jesus-and-hospitality/