
目前顯示的是 6月, 2023的文章

25 June 2023 | Matthew 10:26-33 |

Rely on faith: Jesus reminds us that God the Father is wise and knows everything, including our needs and difficulties. He will protect and care for us. Be a true witness for Christ: Jesus also encourages his disciples to hold fast to the truth as they spread the message of faith, without fear of opposition and persecution from people. He reminds us to remain strong in our beliefs and values and not to be influenced by worldly ideas and pressures. As Christians we should stand boldly for the truth. God's care: Jesus tells his disciples not to be afraid of those who can harm the body but not the soul. He tells them that our souls are more important than our bodies. God cares so much for us that he even knows the number of hairs on our heads. He also watches over our souls. When we are worried, do we remember God? What does it mean to be a true witness to the truth in our daily lives? How does God care for us? Picture :  https://church.mt/the-sunday-gospel-25th-june/

25 June 2023 | 瑪竇福音 10:26-33 |

耶穌在這段經文中告訴門宗徒們,他們不需要害怕或擔心那些暗中陰謀和隱藏的事物,因為沒有甚麼,被掩蓋的事情不被揭露,沒有甚麼被隱藏的事情,不被知道。這提醒我們天主父的智慧和全知,祂知道一切,包括我們的需要和困難,並且他會保護和看顧我們,這是對天主、信仰的倚靠。 耶穌還鼓勵宗徒們在傳教的過程中,持守真理,不要害怕人的反對和迫害。祂告訴他們,不論是暗中的事情還是公開的事情,最終都會被揭示出來。這提醒我們要堅守自己的信仰和價值觀,不受世俗觀念和壓力所影響,作為基督徒勇敢地為真理作見證。 耶穌反覆強調宗徒們不要害怕,那些可以傷害身體,但不能傷害靈魂的人。他告訴宗徒們,我們的靈魂比身體更重要,天主看顧我們的每根頭髮,更會看顧我們的靈魂。 這提醒我們不論在生活中遇到什麼艱難和困境,我們可以信靠天主的保護和供應,並且不必懼怕。 當我們憂慮時,有沒有想起天主? 在現實生活中,什麼叫為真理作見證? 天主怎樣看顧了我們? Picture :  https://cbcpnews.net/cbcpnews/god-watches-over-us/

| 18 June 2023 | Matthew 9:36-10:8 |

The Gospel of Matthew tells the story of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. It is traditionally believed that Matthew, one of the twelve disciples and a former tax collector, wrote this gospel. In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus performed many miracles, healing the sick and casting out demons. He also taught the crowds. When Jesus saw that people were troubled and lost, he felt compassion for their suffering. The passage begins with Jesus saying to his disciples, "They were like sheep without a shepherd" and he urged his disciples to pray for these people. This reflects the caring and serving spirit of the Catholic Church. Jesus compared the crowd to lost sheep in need of a shepherd to guide and care for them. The Catholic Church sees itself as the continuation and representative of Jesus, and when it comes to dealing with the suffering and needy, it should play the role of a shepherd, caring for them with love and compassion. Jesus also gave authority to the apostles and se...

| 18 June 2023 | 瑪竇福音9:36-10:8 |

瑪竇福音講述了耶穌基督的生平和教導,傳統上認為這本福音的作者是瑪竇本人,他是十二門徒之一,也是稅吏出身的那位。    瑪竇福音中耶穌行了許多奇蹟,醫治了病人、驅趕了魔鬼,同時也教導了羣眾,耶穌看到群眾的困擾、流離失所,就被他們的困苦所憐憫。這段經文開始於耶穌對門徒說「他們彷彿是沒有牧人的羊」,並呼籲門徒要為這些群眾祈禱。這反映了天主教會的關懷和服務精神。耶穌將群眾比喻為迷失的羊群,需要有牧人引導和照顧他們。天主教會視自己為耶穌的延續和代表,在對待困苦和需要幫助的人們時,應扮演牧人的角色,以愛和關懷照顧他們。 耶穌更授予宗徒們的權柄,並派遣他們出去傳揚天國的福音。他們被授權驅鬼、治療疾病、復活死者。 經文強調了耶穌對群眾的憐憫和關懷,以及他給予門徒們的使命和權柄。它也提醒著教會成員應該效法耶穌的愛和服務精神,關懷那些需要幫助的人們。 我們對有沒有關懷有需要的人? 有沒有看到、接觸到有需要的人? Picture :  http://ofsofmcapnews.blogspot.com/2008/06/pray-lord-of-harvest-to-send-out.html

11 June 2023 | John 6:51-58 |

Jesus taught his closest followers, the disciples, something very special. He used symbolic language to explain that he was like the most important bread of all, the bread that gives life. This bread is a gift from God the Father, and Jesus asked his disciples and all believers to accept his body and blood so that they can have eternal life. Jesus gave his disciples a special meal called the Eucharist, and through this meal he gave them the amazing gift of eternal life. It's like a spiritual connection that makes them feel connected to Jesus in a deep and meaningful way. Jesus wanted his followers to have faith and to believe in the importance of the Eucharist, which is a very important part of the Catholic faith. The Eucharist is incredibly important because Jesus himself said that he is like the living bread that comes down from heaven. This means that when we take part in the Eucharist, Jesus is actually physically present in the bread and wine. This presence brings us spiritual...

11 June 2023 | 若望福音 6:51-58 |

耶穌教導門徒有關祂自己是生命之糧,耶穌透過象徵性的語言,表達了祂自己是天主父賜予人類的生命之糧,並呼籲門徒與信徒要接受祂的肉體和血,以得到永生。耶穌透過聖體聖事,賜予信徒永生的恩賜,使他們在靈性上與祂合一,並提醒著信徒以信心去接受和參與這一神秘的恩寵,強調了聖體聖事在天主教信仰中的重要性。 聖體的重要性,耶穌宣稱自己是來自天上的活糧,祂的肉體是人們靈性生命的糧食。這暗示著在聖體聖事中,基督在麵餅和葡萄酒中實在地臨在,並賜予信徒屬靈的營養和恩寵。 永生的恩賜:耶穌說,吃祂的肉和喝祂的血的人將永遠活著,意味著透過聖體聖事,人們可以獲得永生的恩賜。這是對信徒的一個深刻的承諾,通過參與聖體聖事,他們可以在靈性上與耶穌合一,並獲得永恆的生命。 神秘的本質:經文中的話語使得耶穌的教導具有神秘性。耶穌的話語超越了純粹的字面意義,指向了一個屬靈的現實,需要深層的信仰和理解。這也提醒著門徒們要以信心和謙卑的心態,去接受和領受耶穌的恩賜。 我們如何渴求耶穌的聖體? 如何在靈性上與祂合一? Picture :  https://blackchristiannews.com/2020/11/gospel-light-house-of-prayer-november-2020-communion-service/

04 June 2023 | John 3:16-18 |

God loves us very much! He loves us with a love that never ends. God loves us so much that He was willing to give His special and only Son, Jesus Christ, to save us and give us eternal life. Jesus Christ is God's special Son who came to the world to be our Savior. He is very important and powerful because He has a special place and authority from God. Believing in Jesus is very important. It is the key to having eternal life. Everyone who believes in Jesus Christ will have everlasting life and won't be lost. This means we need to trust in Jesus, accept Him as our Savior, and we will receive eternal life. The Bible also tells us that those who don't believe in Jesus are in trouble. It's not because God wants to punish them, but because they refuse to believe in God's special Son, Jesus. People who don't accept Jesus won't be able to experience God's salvation. To understand God's love for Himself, we can think of it like this: God loves us so much tha...

04 June 2023 | 若望福音 3:16-18 |

  天主對世人的愛,和祂如何通過祂的兒子耶穌基督來拯救世人, 天主是愛:經文中強調了天主對人類的無限愛。天主願意犧牲祂的獨生子耶穌,為了使每個相信耶穌的人得到永生。 獨生子:是指耶穌基督。天主差遣基督降生,成為人類的救主。耶穌作為天主的獨生子,具有其特殊的地位和權能。 信仰的重要性:強調了信仰的關鍵地位。所有相信耶穌基督的人將得到永生,不至於滅亡。這意味著我們必須信靠耶穌,接受祂作為救主,才能獲得永恆的生命。 不信的後果:經文也指出,不相信耶穌的人已被定罪。這並不是天主刻意要定罪,而是因為他們拒絕相信天主的獨生子。不接受耶穌的人將無法享受到天主的拯救。 總結了核心信息,即天主是愛、耶穌基督的救贖和信仰的重要性。它鼓勵人們相信耶穌基督,並通過信仰來得到永生。 我們如何理解天主對自己的愛? Picture :  https://sojo.net/articles/loving-truth-and-action-new-hymn-based-i-john-316-18