11 June 2023 | John 6:51-58 |

Jesus taught his closest followers, the disciples, something very special. He used symbolic language to explain that he was like the most important bread of all, the bread that gives life. This bread is a gift from God the Father, and Jesus asked his disciples and all believers to accept his body and blood so that they can have eternal life. Jesus gave his disciples a special meal called the Eucharist, and through this meal he gave them the amazing gift of eternal life. It's like a spiritual connection that makes them feel connected to Jesus in a deep and meaningful way. Jesus wanted his followers to have faith and to believe in the importance of the Eucharist, which is a very important part of the Catholic faith.

The Eucharist is incredibly important because Jesus himself said that he is like the living bread that comes down from heaven. This means that when we take part in the Eucharist, Jesus is actually physically present in the bread and wine. This presence brings us spiritual nourishment and grace, which is like special food for our souls and spirits.

When Jesus spoke of eating his flesh and drinking his blood, he didn't mean it literally. He meant it in a deeper, more symbolic way. He wanted his followers to understand that by receiving the Eucharist they could receive the amazing gift of eternal life. It's like a promise that those who participate in the Eucharist can live with Jesus forever. This promise is a big commitment, but it shows how much Jesus loves his followers and wants them to be spiritually united with him.

The teachings of Jesus are mystical because they go beyond the surface meaning of words. They point to a deeper spiritual reality that requires strong faith and understanding. Jesus wanted his disciples to accept and receive his gift with faith and humility. It's like saying we need to really believe and trust in Jesus, even if we can't fully explain or understand everything.

To hunger for the body of Jesus is to have a deep desire to be close to him and to have him in our lives. We can hunger for Jesus by wanting to know more about him, by praying and talking to him, and by trying to live according to his teachings. When we hunger for Jesus, it shows that we really want to have a strong and meaningful relationship with him.

To be one with Jesus spiritually is to have a special connection with him in our hearts and souls. We can achieve this by believing in him, by praying and communicating with him, and by living our lives in a way that reflects his teachings. When we do these things, we become spiritually united with Jesus and can experience his love, guidance and presence in our lives.

How do we hunger for the body of Jesus?

How can we be one with him spiritually?

Picture : https://catholic.net/op/articles/582/cat/1186/a-new-life.html



瑪竇福音 17 章,《帳棚》的意義?

