"The Tent" Meaning in Matthew 17


  "The tent refers to the tents that the Jews put up during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast of Tabernacles is an important festival among the Jews, celebrating their journey through the wilderness and commemorating the Lord's protection, food and shelter. To commemorate this story, during Sukkot the Jews build tents and live in them for seven days to express their gratitude and dependence on the Lord.

    In the Gospel of Matthew, "tent" can also have a symbolic meaning. It indicated that Jesus came into the world as the Son of God. And just as the Lord protected the Jews in the wilderness. He also protects and guides his people in the world. For example, in Matthew 17:4, Peter's proposal to build three tents represents his desire to treat Jesus, Moses and Elijah as equals, but it also shows his misunderstanding of Jesus as the Son of God.

*If the details are incorrect. Please also inform me of any changes. Kind regards.

Picture : http://mjdasma.blogspot.com/2021/08/reflection-for-august-7-saturday-of.html



瑪竇福音 17 章,《帳棚》的意義?

