The three disciples of Jesus


  Peter, James and John are the three most popular disciples of Jesus. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke mention them. These three disciples are often called by Jesus at important moments. They are people who are faithful to the teachings and mission of Jesus and are willing to act for him. This is recorded in the Bible below:

*At the transfiguration of Jesus, only these three disciples are taken up on the mountain.

*Before Jesus died, he took them to the garden of Gethsemane to pray.

*In Matthew 16:16, Peter also confesses that Jesus is the Christ, which is Jesus' public declaration and a very important moment in the Christian faith.

     Because of their willingness to follow Jesus and their loyalty to his teaching and mission, these three disciples were especially favoured by Jesus. Jesus' love and trust in these three disciples was based on their godliness and devotion to him, not on their abilities or achievements.

1. Peter

* Matthew 16:16~9: Peter recognised Jesus as the Christ and was given the key by Jesus to become the leader of the church.

* Matthew 17:1~9: Peter, James and John were taken to the mountain to witness the conversion of Jesus.

* Matthew 26:36~46: Peter and other disciples were taken to the Garden of Gethsemane to accompany Jesus in prayer.

2. Jacob

* Mark 5:37: Jacob was a cousin of Jesus.

* Mark 9:2~13: James, Peter and John were taken to the mountain to see the transfiguration of Jesus.

* Mark 14:32~42: James and other disciples were taken to the garden of Gethsemane to join Jesus in prayer.

3. John

* Matthew 4:21~22: John and his brother James were fishermen and were called by Jesus to be His disciples.

* Matthew 17:1~9: John, Peter and James were taken to the mountain to see the transfiguration of Jesus.

* John 13:23~25: John was one of Jesus' closest disciples and he leaned on Jesus' breast at the Last Supper.

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