19 March 2023 / Gospel on the Fourth Sunday of Lent / John 9 : 1~41

The blind man in the Bible was healed by Jesus and received his sight because he believed in Jesus' power and followed his instructions to wash his eyes. In a similar way, faith connects us to God. When we believe God's existence and care. May you too receive healing and power.

This passage also emphasises that Jesus is the Saviour of the world. After the blind man was healed. If it was really the same person, his neighbours and the Pharisees began to wonder. This scene demonstrates Jesus' divinity. Its strength comes through God's strength, not human strength. In the same way, Jesus is the only way to salvation, and we have to believe in him and follow his teachings in order to receive eternal life.

Thirdly, there is a clear contrast in the Scriptures. The Pharisees were exposed for their hypocrisy and deceit. Their rejection of this miracle showed their rejection of and attachment to the law and tradition. Their rejection of this miracle was a revelation that their hearts were in darkness. On the other hand, the blind man was a simple man. He was touched by the love of Jesus and was ready to believe in him (John 9:38). This scene shows us that as long as we have faith in God, whatever our background. No matter what our background is. We can receive the salvation and the grace of God. Darkness surrounded the life of the blind man. But a new light shone in his life when Jesus appeared. Similarly, when we are in trouble, we can have confidence in Jesus' power and salvation.

Picture : https://www.comolakeunitedchurch.com/news/john-9-1-41



瑪竇福音 17 章,《帳棚》的意義?

