The night and the day, light and Dark / John 9:1-41

Night is the symbol of the world's sin and loss. And the man born blind in this story lost his sight at birth and lived in darkness. He had no vision of the things around him. This also represents the fall of mankind in original sin, losing the image and glory of God and living in the darkness of sin. Similarly, we may also have dark moments of loss and hopelessness in our lives. But even in the darkest moments. Our lives can be illuminated by God's light.

The day and the light represent God's truth and salvation, and Jesus is the light in this story. He came into the world and allowed the blind man to see the light, which also represents the coming of God's truth and salvation, allowing humanity to escape the bondage of darkness and sin. If we seek God's Truth and follow His Salvation, we too will become enlightened and come to live.

The night and the day, the light and the darkness, are not static. At first the blind man lived darkly. But his faith and the appearance of Jesus brought new light into his life. In the same way, our lives can experience a transformation from darkness to light. By letting go of our sin and selfishness and turning to God's truth and salvation, His light can illuminate our lives as well.

We need to rely on God's grace and power to experience this transformation from darkness to light. It took the miracle of Jesus for the blind man to see the light. His faith and obedience were the key. Likewise, we need to trust in Jesus and find our way out of darkness by seeing His truth and salvation.

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瑪竇福音 17 章,《帳棚》的意義?

