Donkey | Matthew 21:1~11

In ancient times, donkeys were thought to be humble and wise animals. They were often used to help with farm work and to carry things. So they also represented hard work and hardship. Horses, on the other hand, were seen as strong and powerful animals, very different from donkeys.

In a story in the Bible called Matthew 21:1-11, Jesus rode into a city called Jerusalem on a donkey. This was a way of showing people that he was a humble leader who didn't want to rule by force or power. He wanted to help and save people with love and kindness. Riding on a donkey also fulfilled a prophecy in the Bible that said the Messiah (or Saviour) would come on a donkey. This is written in the book of Zechariah, chapter 9, verse 9. So Jesus' riding on a donkey was not only a humble way of travelling, but also a sign that he was the promised Messiah.

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