Palm branches | Matthew 21:1~11 | John 12:12~19

Palm branches have a special meaning in the Bible, especially when it comes to celebrating victory and joy. They were used to show that people had won a battle or to celebrate an important event.

When Jesus entered Jerusalem in Matthew 21:1-11, the people greeted him with palm branches, showing that they believed he was a victorious and powerful leader. It was a sign of their love and confidence in Him. Waving the palm branches was also a way for them to show honour and respect to Jesus.

In "John's Gospel" 12:12~19, we also see that the people welcomed Jesus with palm branches and cheers. This event foreshadowed that Jesus would soon become the Saviour of the Jews. The salvation He brings is very significant and will change history forever. The people knew that something special was happening and they were filled with excitement and hope for the future.

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