
目前顯示的是 2月, 2023的文章

The three disciples of Jesus

     Peter, James and John are the three most popular disciples of Jesus. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke mention them. These three disciples are often called by Jesus at important moments. They are people who are faithful to the teachings and mission of Jesus and are willing to act for him. This is recorded in the Bible below: *At the transfiguration of Jesus, only these three disciples are taken up on the mountain. *Before Jesus died, he took them to the garden of Gethsemane to pray. *In Matthew 16:16, Peter also confesses that Jesus is the Christ, which is Jesus' public declaration and a very important moment in the Christian faith.      Because of their willingness to follow Jesus and their loyalty to his teaching and mission, these three disciples were especially favoured by Jesus. Jesus' love and trust in these three disciples was based on their godliness and devotion to him, not on their abilities or achievements. 1. Peter * Matthew 16:16~9: Pe...


     耶穌最愛的三位門徒是伯多祿、雅各伯和若望,他們在瑪竇福音、馬爾谷福音和路加福音中都被提及過,這三位門徒是耶穌在重要時刻時經常召喚的人,而且對耶穌的教導和使命忠心耿耿,並且願意為他而行動。以下聖經中記載: 在耶穌的顯聖容中,只有這三位門徒被帶到山上。 在耶穌受難前,耶穌帶著他們到 革責瑪尼 的莊園禱告。 在瑪竇福音 16:16 中,伯多祿也承認耶穌是基督,這是耶穌的公開宣布,也是基督教信仰中非常重要的一個時刻。     這三位門徒因為他們願意跟隨耶穌,對耶穌的教導和使命非常忠心,他們被耶穌特別寵愛。耶穌對這三位門徒的愛和信任是基於他們的虔誠和對他的忠心,並不是基於他們的能力或成就。 伯多祿 瑪竇福音 16:16~9 :伯多祿承認耶穌是基督,並被耶穌賜予鑰匙,成為教會的領袖。 瑪竇福音 17:1~9 :伯多祿和雅各伯、若望被帶到山上見耶穌的轉變。 瑪竇福音 26:36~46 :伯多祿和其他門徒被帶到 革責瑪尼 的莊園,陪伴耶穌禱告。 雅各伯 馬爾谷福音 5:37 :雅各伯是耶穌的表親。 馬爾谷福音 9:2~13 :雅各伯和伯多祿、若望被帶到山上見耶穌的顯聖容。 馬爾谷福音 14:32~42 :雅各伯和其他門徒被帶到 革責瑪尼 的莊園,陪伴耶穌禱告。 若望 瑪竇福音 4:21~22 :若望和他的哥哥雅各伯是漁夫,被耶穌召叫成為門徒。 瑪竇福音 17:1~9 :若望和伯多祿、雅各伯被帶到山上見耶穌的顯聖容。 若望福音 13:23~25 :若望是耶穌最親密的門徒之一,他在最後的晚餐上,靠在耶穌的胸膛旁邊。 Picture :  https://catholicherald.co.uk/poll-nearly-one-in-three-britons-think-christ-was-an-extremist/

Six Days

  Matthew 17:1      The "six days" mentioned in the Scriptures refers to the fact that Jesus invited Peter, James and John to go up on a mountain where He revealed His glory. This event took place about six days before Jesus was crucified. In this event, Jesus' face shines and his clothes become white and shiny, which is a harbinger of his conversion.       "Six days" also appears in other places in the Bible, some of which have special meanings: Genesis 1      Records the time when God created the heavens, the earth and all things. During the creation process, words such as "the first day", "the second day" and "the third day" were used repeatedly. The meaning of these days in the Bible refers to the sequence and order of creation, stage. Exodus Chapter 24      It is recorded that Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel climbed Mount Sinai, prayed for guidance from the Lord and spent "six days" ther...

"The Tent" Meaning in Matthew 17

    "The tent refers to the tents that the Jews put up during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Feast of Tabernacles is an important festival among the Jews, celebrating their journey through the wilderness and commemorating the Lord's protection, food and shelter. To commemorate this story, during Sukkot the Jews build tents and live in them for seven days to express their gratitude and dependence on the Lord.     In the Gospel of Matthew, "tent" can also have a symbolic meaning. It indicated that Jesus came into the world as the Son of God. And just as the Lord protected the Jews in the wilderness. He also protects and guides his people in the world. For example, in Matthew 17:4, Peter's proposal to build three tents represents his desire to treat Jesus, Moses and Elijah as equals, but it also shows his misunderstanding of Jesus as the Son of God. *If the details are incorrect. Please also inform me of any changes. Kind regards. Picture :  http://mjdasma.blogspot....


瑪竇福音 17:1      經文中提到的「六天」,是指耶穌邀請伯多祿、雅各伯和若望上了一座山,並在那裡顯現了祂的榮耀,這個事件發生在耶穌被釘在十字架前大約六個月前。在這個事件中,耶穌的面貌發出光芒,祂的衣服變得潔白光亮,這是耶穌的轉變的預兆。     在整本天主教思高中文聖經中,「六天」也出現在聖經其他地方,當中一些有特殊其意義:  創世記 1 章     記載上主創造天地和萬物的時間,創造的過程中重複使用了「第一天」、「第二天」、「第三天」等詞語,這些天的意義在聖經中是指創造的次序和階段。 出谷紀 24 章     記載梅瑟、 亞郎 、 納達布 、 阿彼胡 ,以及 以色列 長老中的七十人登上西乃山,祈求上主的指引,並在那裡度過了「六天」。 出谷紀 31 章     記載上主向梅瑟說話時,要梅瑟度過「六天」的時間,然後才會向他顯現。     在聖經中,「六天」的意義因場景和背景不同而有所差異,信徒可以透過閱讀聖經和解讀聖經,了解不同的含義,並且在信仰生活中運用。 以天主教思高中文聖經為根據 如資料有誤,請賜教以便更改。謝謝 Picture :  https://catholic-daily-reflections.com/2020/10/24/the-greatest-commandment-2/

瑪竇福音 17 章,《帳棚》的意義?

     「帳棚」指的是猶太人在住棚節期間所搭建的帳棚。 帳棚 節是猶太人中一個重要的節日,慶祝他們在曠野中的旅程,並紀念上主曾保護他們,提供食物和庇護。為了紀念這段歷史,猶太人在住棚節期間會搭建帳棚,並在其中居住七天,以表達對上主的感恩和 依賴。     在瑪竇福音中,「帳棚」也可以有象徵意義,指出耶穌作為天主的兒子降臨到世上,猶如上主在曠野中保護猶太人一樣,祂也在世上保護和指引祂的子民。例如,在瑪竇福音 17:4 中, 伯多祿 提議搭建三個帳棚,代表他希望將耶穌、梅瑟和厄里亞同等看待,但這也顯示出他對耶穌作為天主的兒子的不完全理解。  Picture :  https://stpaulcenter.com/where-is-the-mass-in-the-bible/

The meaning of "Tabernacle" in the Old Testament

    The meaning of "tabernacle" in the Old Testament of the Catholic Bible is a portable sanctuary used to worship and meet with God during the Israelites' journey. It consisted of an outer tent and an inner tent with the inner tent being the most sacred place, called the "Holy of Holies". Where the Ark of the Covenant and images of cherubim were kept. The construction and use of the tabernacle required strict adherence to God's rules and instructions. That including special sacrifices, rituals and the priesthood system.     In the Old Testament, the tabernacle was a symbol of the relationship between God and the Israelites. It was in the tabernacle that God revealed his will to them and instructed them how to live, worship and rely on him. The tabernacle was also the centre of the Israelites' activities, where they offered sacrifices, worshipped and gathered to express their reverence and love for God. In this sense, the tabernacle also symbolised the I...


      「帳棚」是指一個移動式的聖所,用來供奉天主,並在以色列人的旅途中作為天主與人相會之處,帳棚的建造和使用在出谷紀( Exodus )中有詳細的描述。帳棚包括一個外層帳幕和一個內層帳幕,內層帳幕是最神聖的地方,稱為至聖所,裡面有上主的約櫃和基路伯( cherubim )像。帳棚的建造和使用需要嚴格遵守天主的規定和指示,包括特定的祭品、禮儀和司祭制度。 出谷紀 25~27 章:記載天主指示梅瑟建造帳棚的指示,包括建造材料、大小、樣式和裝飾。 出谷紀 30 章:記載帳棚內的香爐和聖油的製作和使用。 出谷紀 40 章:記載帳棚建成之後,天主降臨於帳棚,使帳棚充滿祂的光榮。 肋未紀 1~7 章:記載在帳棚中進行各種祭儀和獻祭的細節,包括燔祭、素祭、和平祭、贖罪祭等。 肋未紀 8~10 章:記載亞郎和他的兒子們成為司祭,並進行獻祭的細節。 戶籍紀 1~4 章:記載帳棚和肋未人的職責和服務,包括帳棚的搬運和維護,以及肋未人的任務和職責。 戶籍紀 9 章:記載第一次慶祝逾越節時,帳棚的搬運和使用。 戶籍紀 10 章:記載以色列人出發前,帳棚的拆卸和搬運。 申命記 12~26 章:記載以色列人在客納罕地後,在帳棚中進行敬拜和祭儀的規定,以及關於禮儀、律法和道德的指示和誡命。     在舊約中,帳棚是天主與以色列人相會的地方,象徵天主與人之間的關係。天主在帳棚中向以色列人啟示祂的旨意,指示他們如何生活、崇拜和依靠祂。帳棚也是以色列人的中心,他們在帳棚中進行祭儀、敬拜和聚會,以表達他們對天主的敬畏和愛。在這種意義上,帳棚也象徵著以色列人作為天主的選民和祂與他們的盟約。 以下是天主教思高中文聖經中,有關舊約帳棚的章節及其詳細內容: 出谷紀( Exodus ) 肋未紀( Leviticus ) 戶籍紀( Numbers ) 申命記( Deuteronomy ) 以天主教思高中文聖經為根據 如資料有誤,請賜教以便更改。謝謝 Picture :  https://taylormarshall.com/2010/11/meaning-of-tabernacle-lamp-in-catholic.html