
目前顯示的是 3月, 2023的文章

棕樹枝 |《瑪竇福音》21:1~11 | 《若望福音》12:12~19

  棕樹枝通常被視為一種勝利和慶祝的象徵。在聖經中,棕樹枝常常被用來慶祝節日和戰勝敵人。 《瑪竇福音》 21:1~11 ,人們以棕樹枝來迎接耶穌進入耶路撒冷,這代表了人們對耶穌的歡迎和信任。在以前,棕樹枝是一種常用於慶祝和表揚的標誌,這也表明了人們對耶穌的讚美和敬意。 《若望福音》 12:12~19  中,也描述了耶穌進入耶路撒冷時人們揮舞棕樹枝和歡呼的情景,這個場景也預示了耶穌即將成為猶太人的救主,並且他所帶來的救贖是非常具有歷史性和革命性的。 Picture : https://scandiabiblechurch.org/2019/04/14/the-lord-enters-jerusalem-2-samuel-6-7-matthew-21_1-11/

Symbolic Acts of Jesus | Washing of Jesus' Feet

In chapter 13 of John's Gospel. We can see that the symbolic meaning of Jesus' foot-washing is humility and service. And He reminded the disciples to imitate His humility and spirit of service. At that time Jesus knew that His time had come and He wanted to follow the will of God the Father. Jesus used His actions to tell His disciples to love and support each other. The purpose of Jesus washing His feet symbolised that He came into the world to serve mankind and to die on the cross for the sins of mankind. He showed his love and concern for his disciples. Picture : https://owlcation.com/humanities/Jesus-Washes-Feet

耶穌的象徵性行動 | 耶穌的洗腳

在若望福音第 13 章可以看到,耶穌洗腳的象徵性意義,就是謙卑和服務,並提醒了門徒們效法祂的謙卑和服務精神,那時候,耶穌知道自己的時間已經到了,祂要遵從天主父的旨意,耶穌就以自己的行動去告訴門徒,要彼此相愛、彼此扶持,耶穌洗腳的目的,象徵着他來到世界,就是服侍人類,並為人類的罪惡死在十字架上,祂向門徒表達了自己的愛和關懷。 Picture : https://biblestudentsdaily.com/2017/03/27/washing-one-anothers-feet-a-privilege/

若望福音 11:12 《睡著了》

    若望福音  11:12  所描述的情境,是耶穌的門徒在耶穌要前往拯救病重的拉匝祿的家時,告訴耶穌拉匝祿已經死了。而在耶穌抵達拉匝祿家之後,祂發現拉匝祿已經被安放在墳墓中,並告訴拉匝祿的姐妹瑪利亞和瑪爾大,不要悲傷,因為拉匝祿只是「睡著了」。     這裡的「睡著了」並不是指拉匝祿在睡覺,而是指他已經去世,因為在古代希伯來語中,「睡覺」是一個常用的隱喻,指人的死亡。耶穌的用詞是有深層的思想的,因為祂不只是要表達拉匝祿已經死去的事實,更重要的是要表達一個真理,那就是死亡不是絕對的終結,而是有復活的希望。     耶穌在這裡使用「睡著了」一詞,可以理解為祂在緩和瑪利亞和瑪爾大的悲傷,也在向他們展示,死亡雖然是一個痛苦的現實,但在祂的眼中,死亡只是一個過渡階段,一個等待著復活的時刻。這也是耶穌傳遞著祂除了是掌管生命的主外,亦預告了祂的復活。     耶穌亦添加了另一個陳述,起初門徒會感到困惑,睡眠經常被用作身體死亡的隱喻(宗 7:60 ;撒前 4:13~18 )。那些相信天主的人將身體的死亡視為一種暫時的、和平的狀態。耶穌的意圖,從一開始, 使拉匝祿從死裡復活,作為他來自天主父的另一個證明。     然而,在這種情況下,門徒們會對耶穌的意圖更加困惑。畢竟,耶穌竟說要叫醒熟睡的朋友,從他們的角度來看,這不值得冒險返回當時的危險領土,但他們的反應,是悲觀卻是勇敢。 在信仰中,死亡不是絕望和失去,而是一個希望和轉變的時刻。這個真理是基督教信仰的核心,也是我們在面對死亡時所要持守的信念。 Picture : https://www.biblestudytools.com/bible-stories/lazarus-raised-from-the-dead-bible-story.html

John 11:12 《sleep》

    In this story, Jesus' disciples told him that their friend Lazarus had died and was lying in a tomb. When Jesus arrived at the tomb, He told Lazarus' sisters, Mary and Martha, not to be sad because Lazarus was only "sleeping".     But when Jesus said "sleeping", He didn't mean that Lazarus was actually sleeping. He meant that Lazarus was dead. In the past, people used the word "sleep" to talk about death.     Jesus used this word to make Mary and Martha feel better and to teach them an important lesson. He wanted them to know that death isn't the end, but rather a time of waiting for a special moment called the resurrection. This is when people who have died come back to life.     Jesus wanted them to understand that although death can be sad and painful, there is still hope. This is an important part of the Christian faith and something we can hold on to when we face the loss of a loved one. Different versions of the Bible talk about ...


Martha is a New Testament woman who was a good friend of Jesus, along with her sister Mary and her brother Lazarus. Martha's most famous story is when she and Mary welcomed Jesus and his disciples into their home. This story is recorded in the Bible in the book of Luke 10 : 38~42. When Jesus and his disciples arrived at Martha and Mary's home, Martha was busy cooking and preparing the house, while Mary sat next to Jesus and listened to his words. Martha felt that Mary wasn't helping and complained to Jesus, asking him to tell Mary to help. But Jesus replied, "Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken away from her". This story is usually explained as a contrast between spirituality and practicality. Martha represents practicality, as she prepared food and set up the house for her guests. Mary represents spirituality as she listened to Jesus' words. Jesus' response shows that in this situation spirituality was more important than practicality...

"Light" and "Darkness" in John 11:9-10

    In this passage Jesus talks about the importance of walking in the light. He uses the metaphor of light and darkness to represent truth and error, faith and unbelief, life and death, and other opposing concepts.     The "light" represents Jesus Christ, who is the truth, the life and the light. He is the Saviour of mankind, bringing light and salvation to the world and leading people to eternal life. The truths and teachings of Jesus can help people understand God's will and plan, and keep them from stumbling on the journey of life.     On the other hand, "darkness" represents error, unbelief and death. Those who do not follow God's will and plan or do not believe in Jesus as their Saviour will fall into darkness, unable to see the true purpose and meaning of life and unable to avoid stumbling on their journey.     Therefore, the "light" and "darkness" referred to here are not only physical light and darkness in the real world, but als...


    瑪爾大( Martha )是新約聖經中的一位女性人物,她與她的妹妹瑪利亞( Mary )以及她們的兄弟拉匝祿( Lazarus )都是耶穌的好友。瑪爾大最著名的故事是關於她和瑪利亞招待耶穌和門徒的故事,在路加福音中有記載(路加福音 10:38-42 )。     根據這個故事,當耶穌和門徒到達瑪利亞和瑪爾大的家時,瑪爾大忙於做飯、佈置房間等事情,而瑪利亞則坐在耶穌旁邊聆聽他的話。瑪爾大感到瑪利亞沒有幫忙,因此向耶穌抱怨,要求他讓瑪利亞幫忙。然而,耶穌回答說: “ 瑪利亞選擇了更好的一分,是不能從她奪去的。 ” (路加福音 10:42 ) 這個故事通常被解釋為一個關於靈性和實踐的對比。瑪爾大代表著實踐,為客人準備食物和佈置房間,而瑪利亞代表著靈性,聆聽耶穌的話語。耶穌的回答表明,在這種情況下,靈性比實踐更重要。     瑪爾大在天主教教會中也有一個特別的地位,她被認為是家庭和服務的守護聖人之一,因為她在這個故事中展現了服務的精神。她的紀念日是 7 月 29 日。 Picture : https://fll.cc/inspire/martha-and-mary/

若望福音 11 章 9~10 節中的《光》和《暗》

    耶穌說:「白日不是有十二個時辰麼?人若在白日行路,不會碰跌,因為看得見這世界的光;人若在黑夜行路,就要碰跌,因為他沒有光。」     這裡的 “ 光 ” 和 “ 暗 ” 是比喻,它們代表著真理和錯誤,信仰和不信仰,生命和死亡等等對立的概念。     “ 光 ” 代表著耶穌基督,他是真理、生命和光明。耶穌是人類的拯救者,他給世界帶來了光明和救贖,並引導人們走向永恆的生命。耶穌所傳授的真理和生命之道,可以讓人們明白神的旨意和計劃,並且使人們在人生的旅途中不失足跌倒。     “ 暗 ” 則代表著錯誤、不信仰和死亡。不遵從神的旨意和計劃,不相信耶穌基督作為拯救者,就會陷入黑暗之中,因為他們無法看清楚生命的真正目的和意義,也無法避免在人生旅途中跌倒。     因此,這裡的 “ 光 ” 和 “ 暗 ” 不僅是指現實生活中的光明和黑暗,更是代表著屬靈的真理和錯誤,是人類信仰生命中的關鍵選擇。 Picture : https://www.bridgeportdiocese.org/gods-love-never-abandons-us/3d-wallpapers-light-dark-wallpaper-35822/

Enric Monserdà i Vidal

Enric Monserdà i Vidal (1850-1926)  是一位來自西班牙的畫家和裝飾家,出生於巴塞隆納。他在十二歲時進入巴塞隆納的洛夫扎藝術學校學習,師從  Claudio Lorenzale  克勞迪奧 · 洛倫扎萊和  Luis Rigalt  路易斯 · 里格爾等知名教師。 隨後,他在  Eudald Amigó  的藝術彩繪工作室工作,認識了建築師  Joan Martorell ,後者委託他為聖奧古斯丁教堂創作壁畫。 Enric Monserdà i Vidal  曾擔任格拉西亞藝術和工藝學校的素描老師。他對於藝術的熱愛和才華讓他成為了一位優秀的教師,他所教授的學生中,不少人後來成為了傑出的藝術家和設計師。 在  1914  年,他受委託為巴塞隆納市政廳的百人廳進行裝飾設計,這也是他最著名的作品之一。 Enric Monserdà i Vidal  研究了當時的建築風格,特別是加泰羅尼亞議會宮和巴塞隆納大教堂,從教堂的座位椅中汲取靈感,設計了市議會代表的座位。 除了以上作品,他還為多個教堂和宮殿進行了壁畫和裝飾設計。他的作品展現了他對於藝術的熱情和對於細節的關注,以及對於傳統建築風格的尊重和創新。 Enric Monserdà i Vidal  無疑是巴塞隆納藝術史上一位重要的藝術家和設計師。 Picture : http://fannycornforth.blogspot.com/2016/12/wednesday-14th-december-madonna-and.html

26 March 2023 / Gospel on the Fifth Sunday of Lent / John 11 : 1~45

    Bethany is a small town located about two miles east of Jerusalem, which is now known as Beitfage. According to the Bible, it was a place where Jesus frequently visited and had many close friends, including Lazarus, Mary, and Martha, who were siblings.     When Lazarus' sister Mary said, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died," (John 11:32) it showed her strong and unwavering faith in Jesus. Meanwhile, Martha said, "Lord, by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days." (John 11:39) Both of them recognized Jesus as the Messiah but had different levels of faith.     Mary and Martha also appear in Luke 10:38-42, where Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to His words, while Martha was busy with household chores. This passage reveals their distinct personalities and faith. Meanwhile, Lazarus' story demonstrated Jesus' power as the true Life and Resurrection, who can raise the dead to life. This miracle confirm...

26 March 2023 / 四旬期第五主日福音 / 若 11 : 1~45

    伯達尼是一個位於耶路撒冷東邊約兩英里的小鎮,現在這個地方被稱為貝特法則 (Bethany) 。根據聖經記載,伯達尼是耶穌經常去的一個地方,他在那裡有很多親密的朋友,包括拉匝祿、瑪利亞和瑪爾大三兄妹。     拉匝祿的姐妹瑪利亞說:「主!若是你在這裏,我的兄弟決不會死!」(若 11 : 32) 而瑪爾大則說:「主!已經臭了,因為已有四天了。」(若 11 : 39) 以上兩位人物都是對耶穌默西亞身份有著認同,卻有著不同的信德,拉匝祿的姐妹瑪利亞有著強而有力的信念,可以從她說話中知道。     瑪利亞、瑪爾大兩位人物在路加福音十章 38 節也出現過,瑪利亞坐在耶穌的腳前聽祂講話,而瑪爾大卻忙碌不已,瑪爾大為著俗務忙碌,瑪利亞卻嚮往天上的事。兩段經文相對就可以知她們倆姊妹的性格和信德。而拉匝祿這個人物則彰顯耶穌是真正的生命和復活者,祂有權力和能力從死亡中喚起死者,這種權力和能力,都是來自於天主父的力量和祂自己的天主性。這個奇蹟顯示出耶穌是天主的兒子,是世界上唯一的救主和主宰。 Picture: https://www.holytextures.com/2011/03/john-11-1-45-year-a-lent-5-sermon.html

19 March 2023 / Gospel on the Fourth Sunday of Lent / John 9 : 1~41

The blind man in the Bible was healed by Jesus and received his sight because he believed in Jesus' power and followed his instructions to wash his eyes. In a similar way, faith connects us to God. When we believe God's existence and care. May you too receive healing and power. This passage also emphasises that Jesus is the Saviour of the world. After the blind man was healed. If it was really the same person, his neighbours and the Pharisees began to wonder. This scene demonstrates Jesus' divinity. Its strength comes through God's strength, not human strength. In the same way, Jesus is the only way to salvation, and we have to believe in him and follow his teachings in order to receive eternal life. Thirdly, there is a clear contrast in the Scriptures. The Pharisees were exposed for their hypocrisy and deceit. Their rejection of this miracle showed their rejection of and attachment to the law and tradition. Their rejection of this miracle was a revelation that their he...

Pharisees and Jesus' views on sin / John 9 : 1~41

The views on sin between the Pharisees and Jesus have caused a lot of thought. It tells of a man born blind. Jesus heals him. As well as the healing, the story focuses on the views of the Pharisees and Jesus on sin. The Pharisees began to question the authority and legitimacy of Jesus when they saw the man healed. They were of the opinion that Jesus was a sinner because of his healing of the man on the Sabbath. But Jesus said to them, "This is so that the works of God may be seen in him" (John 9:3). (John 9:3) Jesus' response emphasised the authority and the will of God the Father, rather than the rules made by men. Their argument showed that their understanding of sin was based on the law and the rules, rather than on the faith and trust they had in God the Father. In this story Jesus, through the healing of the man's body, led them to reflect on their understanding of sin and to recognise the authority and mercy of God. In the conversation between the Pharisees and ...

法利塞人和耶穌對罪的看法 / 若望福音 9 : 1~41

法利塞人和耶穌的對話關於罪的觀念引起了許多思考。主題是關於一個生來瞎眼的人被耶穌治癒的故事。然而,這個故事的重點不僅在於醫治的奇蹟本身,還在於法利塞人和耶穌對罪的態度和看法。 當法利塞人看到這個人被治愈後,他們開始質疑耶穌的權威和正當性,他們認為耶穌是一個犯罪的人,因為他在安息日醫治了這個人,而耶穌對他們說,「而是為叫天主的工作,在他身上顯揚出來。」(若  9:3 ) 耶穌的回應強調了來自天主父的權柄和旨意,而不是人定的規則,他們的爭論表明了他們對罪的理解是基於法律和規則,而不是基於對天主父的信仰和信任。耶穌在這個故事中通過治癒這個人的身體,引導他們思考他們對罪的理解,並且引導他們認識到天主的權柄和愛的慈悲。 法利塞人和耶穌的對話中,在理解和面對罪的問題時,我們不能僅僅依賴法律和規則,而應該從天主的角度出發,尋求祂的旨意和愛的慈悲。這不僅可以醫治我們的身體,還能醫治我們的靈魂。透過這個故事,我們可以學習到與耶穌同行,尋求祂的旨意和愛,並且通過祂的恩典和慈悲,得到救贖和醫治。 Picture :  https://margmowczko.com/blindness-1-john-91-3/

19 March 2023 / 四旬期第四主日福音 / 若 9 : 1~41

經文中的瞎子接受了耶穌的治療,並因此得到了視力,他的治療是因為他相信耶穌的能力,並遵從了耶穌的指示,洗了他的眼睛。同樣地,信仰也是我們與天主連結,如果我們相信天主的存在和祂對我們的關注,我們可以同樣獲得到治療和力量。 其次,這段經文中強調了耶穌是世界的救主,瞎子被治愈後,他的鄰居和法利塞人開始質疑他是否真的是同一個人,這個情節顯示了耶穌的天主性,他的能力不是人能力所做到的,而是來自天主的力量。同樣地,耶穌也是我們得救的唯一途徑,我們需要相信祂,並遵從祂的教導,才能得到永恆的生命。 第三,經文提供了明確的對比,法利塞人被揭露出他們的虛偽和偽善,他們對這個奇蹟,都帶著拒絕和執著於法律和傳統,表明他們的心靈已經被黑暗所佔據,相反,那個被治愈的瞎子,雖然他是個簡單的人,但他卻被耶穌的愛所觸動,更願意去相信耶穌(若 9 : 38) ,這個情節向我們顯示了,只要我們相信天主,那不論我們的背景如何,都能獲得天主的救恩和恩寵。這位瞎子的生命是被困在黑暗中的,但耶穌的出現使他的生命煥發出新的光芒,同樣地,當我們面臨困難時,可以依靠耶穌的能力和救恩。 Picture :  https://revkevnye.com/2017/03/21/seeing-and-sinning-a-homily-on-john-91-41/

Saliva and water / John 9:1-41

The saliva represents the miracles and abilities of Jesus. Jesus used saliva to heal the blind man's eyes, demonstrating His divine nature, and saliva also represents Jesus' compassion and sympathy. Jesus saw a man born blind and had compassion on him. Especially when we face difficulties and challenges, God's love and compassion are always with us. It is his mercy that will give us strength and hope. Also uses saliva to show faith in (John 9:1-41). Jesus used saliva to heal the blind man's eyes, and the blind man also needed to believe and obey what Jesus said. Humans must believe in God's words and deeds and follow God's Will. It also stands for God's grace and pardon. In the time of Jesus, saliva was considered to be unclean, but Jesus used saliva to heal the eyes of the blind man, showing God's grace and forgiveness. It transcends cultural and social norms. God's grace and forgiveness are unconditional and go beyond our sins and failures. As long...


     In John 4:21, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at Jacob's well and tells her that true worship is not about a particular place, but about the state of one's heart and relationship with God. This was a new concept as Judaism emphasised worshipping God in the Jerusalem Temple. Jesus transcends the boundaries of race and gender, indicating that everyone has the opportunity to have an intimate relationship with God. This emphasises the nature of true worship and infinite love.     In the Bible, women are used as a contrast to men, reflecting God's wisdom and beauty in creation. Women are also often used to represent the church, while men represent Christ. Women can also symbolise qualities of faith, piety and purity, as well as the fragility and limitations of humanity. This reminds us that even in our most vulnerable and limited times. God is still with us, ready to give us strength and courage to face the various difficulties and challenges of life.   ...

唾沬、水 / 若望福音 9 : 1~41

唾沬代表著耶穌的神跡和能力,耶穌用唾沫治愈了盲人的眼睛,這顯示了祂的天主性,而唾沬也代表著耶穌的憐憫和同情。 在故事中,耶穌看到一個生來盲眼的瞎子,感到同情並用唾沫治愈了他的眼睛,天主的愛和同情永遠與我們同在,特別是當我們處於困難和挑戰中時,祂的憐憫會賜予我們力量和希望。 經文中的唾沬也代表著信仰的標記,耶穌用唾沫治愈了盲人的眼睛,盲人也需要相信並聽從耶穌的話語,人需要相信祂的話語和行動,並遵從祂的旨意。 唾沬也是代表著天主的恩寵和寬恕,在耶穌時代,唾沫被認為是不潔淨的,但耶穌用唾沫治愈了盲人的眼睛,是天主顯示祂的恩寵和寬恕,超越了文化和社會標準的限制,天主的恩典和寬恕是無條件的,超越了我們的罪過和失敗,只要我們懇切地悔改和信靠祂,祂會賜予我們的恩寵和寬恕。 然而,唾沬和水同時也提供了關鍵的意義(若 7:38~39) ,唾沬和水不單是代表著耶穌的天主性和能力,唾沬和水也代表著洗禮的象徵。在天主教的儀式中,洗禮代表著人從罪惡中得到救贖(馬 16:16) ,得到天主的寬恕和愛。經文中,耶穌治好了瞎子的眼睛,這也代表著祂在洗淨和救贖人類,使我們能夠看到祂的真理和愛 ( 羅 6:3~4) 。 Picture :  http://bicolperyodiko.com/2017/03/26/go-wash/

若望福音 4 : 21 中的《女人》

    若望福音 4:21  中, “ 女人 ”  是指撒瑪黎雅的一位婦女,她與 耶穌在 雅各伯泉 的井 邊相遇。在這個經文中,耶穌向她說: “ 女人,相信我,時候將到,你們拜父,也不在這座山上,也不在耶路撒冷。 ”     耶穌向這位婦女揭示了一個新的真理,即真正的敬拜並不在於特定的地點,而是在於心靈的狀態和與天主的關係,這是一種新的觀念,因為猶太教在那個時代強調在耶路撒冷聖殿中向天主敬拜。耶穌在與這位婦女的交談中也超越了種族和性別的限制,表明每個人都有機會與天主建立親密的關係,這也向我們展示了耶穌的慈悲和關懷,無論是誰,只要他們願意信從耶穌,都可以獲得真正的自由和救贖,因此,意義在於強調了真正的敬拜的本質和無限的慈愛。         在聖經中,女性經常被用作對比男性的形象,這反映了天主的智慧和創造的美好。例如,創世紀中天主創造了男女,並說他們是天主形象的具體去實現,而不只是一個人。在聖經中,女性還經常被用來代表教會,而男性則代表基督。教會是基督的新婦,這意味著教會是作為一個整體的人,與基督形成了親密的關係。其次,聖經中的「女人」還可以象徵著信仰、敬虔和純潔的品質。例如,在默示錄中,一位穿著太陽的女子出現在天上,她代表著聖潔、敬虔和信仰的人,並在末日時代承受了天主的榮耀。     最後,聖經中的「女人」也可以象徵著人性的脆弱和有限性。在聖經中,女性經常面臨各種困境和考驗, 聖母瑪利亞都經歷了人生中的許多困難和挑戰,但在天主的恩寵和引導下繼續前行。這提醒著我們,即使在我們最脆弱和有限的時候,天主仍然與我們同在,並願意賜予我們力量和勇氣,去面對生活中的各種困難和挑戰。     若望福音  21:25~27  中的描寫,當耶穌在十字架上時,祂把聖母瑪利亞交託給祂的門徒若望照顧。這個場景中,耶穌對聖母瑪利亞說:「女人,看,你的兒子!」然後對若望說:「看,你的母親!」這種稱呼方式強調了聖母瑪利亞的獨特地位和使命,她被看作是所有基督徒的母親和保護者,也是教會的一份子。     其次,「女人」這個稱呼還可以向我們傳達出聖母瑪利亞的謙遜和虔敬。在聖經中,聖母瑪利亞是一個非常虔誠的人...

"Samaritan" in the bible

    In ancient Middle Eastern culture, the region of Samaria was a geographical and cultural crossroads. In the early 8th century BC, the Assyrian Empire conquered the northern region of Israel (including Samaria), and many Jews were taken to other areas of the empire. Since then, the population of this region has gradually become diverse, including the Jewish people who were moved. The Samaritans who were expelled from Judea, and the assimilated foreign population. Therefore, there are cultural and religious differences between the Samaritans and the Jews, and the Samaritans are also considered a mixed-race. "Samaritan Woman" in the Bible is described as having religious and cultural conflicts with the Jews. And her identity is emphasized indicating that she comes from a different group.     In the Bible, the term "Samaritan" usually refers to people living in the region of Samaria which was a border area between Jews and Gentiles in biblical times and was therefor...

The night and the day, light and Dark / John 9:1-41

Night is the symbol of the world's sin and loss. And the man born blind in this story lost his sight at birth and lived in darkness. He had no vision of the things around him. This also represents the fall of mankind in original sin, losing the image and glory of God and living in the darkness of sin. Similarly, we may also have dark moments of loss and hopelessness in our lives. But even in the darkest moments. Our lives can be illuminated by God's light. The day and the light represent God's truth and salvation, and Jesus is the light in this story. He came into the world and allowed the blind man to see the light, which also represents the coming of God's truth and salvation, allowing humanity to escape the bondage of darkness and sin. If we seek God's Truth and follow His Salvation, we too will become enlightened and come to live. The night and the day, the light and the darkness, are not static. At first the blind man lived darkly. But his faith and the appeara...