
目前顯示的是 4月, 2023的文章

30 April 2023 | John 10 : 1~10 | Sunday Gospel

There is a special book called the Book of Ezekiel which has stories about sheep, a sheepfold and a shepherd. These stories are symbols that Jesus used to explain that he was the one mentioned in the Old Testament who would come and save us. In the Old Testament people were farmers and Jesus used stories about sheep and shepherds to explain things to them. He said that the sheep were like his followers, the sheepfold was like the church, and he was the shepherd. But at the end of the story there is an important message. Jesus said that thieves come to steal, kill and destroy, but he comes to give life and make it more abundant. It shows that thieves need to get educated of Jesus. The sheep know his voice, but it's the thieves who need to be taught. Jesus also warned about false shepherds who don't care about the sheep, but only about themselves. They try to sneak in from other places instead of going through the gate. These false shepherds can cause the sheep to get lost and hu...

30 April 2023 | 若望福音 10 : 1~10 | 主日福音

厄則克耳先知書 (34 :14〜15),已經有明確的說明,當中的羊、羊棧、牧羊人等等,無一不是具有象徵性意義,耶穌為說明祂就是舊約中要來的那一位,會引用舊約先知說過的比喻。舊約以農為主的社會,耶穌比喻式的講論,就必需配合當時社會的狀況,祂以《羊》來比喻人羣、信眾,《羊棧》就是教會,《牧羊人》就是祂自己,如果這樣類比地去了解,整個圖像就會很清楚。 然而,重點卻在尾句: 賊來,無非是為偷竊、殺害、毀滅;我來,卻是為叫他們獲得生命,且獲得更豐富的生命。 (若10 : 10) 羊羣早已認得祂的聲音,需要教化的卻是盜賊。 此外,耶穌也提到了那些假冒牧羊人,他們並不關心羊,只關心自己的利益。他們進羊欄的方式是從其他地方攀爬而上,而不是從大門而進。這些假牧羊人的出現,讓羊更容易走失和受到傷害。 耶穌作為牧羊人的形象,要告訴人們跟隨並聆聽祂的聲音,進入祂的門才能找到真正的救恩和生命。耶穌也警告人們要避免假冒牧羊人的誘惑,這些人只會傷害我們,不關心人的救恩和生命。 如果我是主的羊,有沒有聆聽主的聲音? 怎樣去分辨現世假的牧羊人? Picture : https://blclebanon.org/2017/05/07/fourth-sunday-of-easter-john-101-10/

29 Apr 2023 | John 6:60~69

    After listening to Jesus' teachings, some of His disciples didn't understand His words and decided to leave. However, Peter and other disciples believed that Jesus was the Messiah and the Son of God. This shows us that there are two types of people in the world: those who believe and those who do not. For those who don't believe, it may be because they haven't yet had the chance to understand or because Jesus' words are beyond their understanding. But faith is an important part of life, and it requires us to trust in something that we can't always explain or understand with our minds. Faith is the foundation of our beliefs, and it requires us to have trust and confidence that everything happens according to God's plan, even if we don't understand it.     In our journey of faith, we need to keep learning, exploring, praying, and trusting. Faith isn't just something we believe in, it's also something we act upon. Jesus' disciples chose to f...

25 Apr 2023 | Mark 16:15~20

    Jesus told his disciples to spread good news all over the world, which means telling people that they can be saved. To do this, they needed to baptize people who believed in Jesus. This would help more and more people to learn about Jesus and what He did for them. Jesus promised that His disciples would be able to do amazing things like healing sick people and performing miracles. These miracles would show that Jesus was special and that God was with Him. His disciples would also have important jobs in the church, like teaching and helping people who needed it. They would even build schools and hospitals to help people in need.     Before Jesus leave, He told His disciples that they would be successful in their mission because God would protect them and help them. His words gave His followers courage and confidence to do what they needed to do. Picture :  http://mjdasma.blogspot.com/2020/04/reflection-for-april-25-saturday-feast.html

23 April 2023 | Luke 24:13~35

     Jesus perfectly illustrates the Holy Sacrament of the Mass when the two of them talk to each other about everything that has happened. (Luke 24:14) Jesus told them that it was foretold in the Old Testament that the Messiah would have to accept suffering before he could enter into glory. They understood and invited Jesus to stay with them. (Luke 24:29) Jesus used his words to speak about all that was prophesied in the Scriptures and about himself.     Now while he was with them at table, he took the bread and said the blessing; then he broke it and handed it to them. And their eyes were opened and they recognised him; but he had vanished from their sight. (Luke 24:30)       The moment of the breaking of bread in the Holy Sacrifice is the re-enactment of the Last Supper between Jesus and his disciples. When the priest consecrates the bread, wine. It is the high point of the whole Mass. In the Bible, when Jesus broke the bread, also gave it to t...

23 April 2023 | 路加福音 24:13~35

     在這段經文中,耶穌完美地示範了彌撒聖祭,當二人彼此談論所發生的一切事後。 ( 路  24:14)  耶穌跟他們講論了在舊約中已預知,默西亞必須接受苦難,纔進入光榮,二人心神領會,還邀請耶穌一同住下。 ( 路 24:29) 這就是最原始的聖道禮,耶穌以祂的言語,去講論經中所預許的一切和祂自己的事件。     當耶穌與他們坐下吃飯的時候,就拿起餅來,祝福了,擘開,遞給他們。他們的眼睛開了,這纔認出耶穌來;但他卻由他們眼前隱沒了。 ( 路 24 : 30)     聖祭禮儀中擘餅時刻,就是重演耶穌與門徒的最後晚餐,神父祝聖餅酒成聖體聖血時,就是整個彌撒聖祭的高峰。經文中的二人,當耶穌擘餅後遞給他們。他們的眼睛開了,這纔認出耶穌,究竟當時二人怎樣認出耶穌?或是為甚麼之前沒有認出耶穌來?經文中沒有交代,但重點是耶穌在最後晚餐中,做過擘餅的標誌性行動,而成了門徒間的認定。他們透過這個行動認出耶穌,而往後彌撒聖祭內的擘餅行動,亦令信眾認得耶穌來,耶穌確是與眾人同在。     在耶穌一生中,透過祂自己的言與行,去教悔、和證明祂就是那位要來的默西亞,祂的言是教訓講道,而行動就是行神蹟,兩者在耶穌生命內絕不能分開,這也是讓信眾了解,祂就是那位人性與天主性同在的耶穌。宗徒聖多默尚未把手指往耶穌的肋膀、掌心去檢視,單單看見耶穌就說:我主!我的天主! ( 若 20:28) 這就是一個實在的信仰報導。 Picture :  http://www2.dsbiblecentre.org/index.py?lang=tc&page=Showbible&index=00117

18 April 2023 | John 3:7~15

In the Gospel of John, Jesus talks about being born from above, which means being born again through the Spirit of God. He compares it to the wind, which you can hear but you can't see, and it goes wherever it wants. Nicodemus, a religious leader, asked how this could happen, and Jesus said that we speak of what we know and have seen, but some people don't believe. He said that if we don't believe in earthly things, we won't believe in heavenly things either. Jesus is the only one who has come down from heaven, and he must be lifted up like a serpent in the desert, so that everyone who believes in him can have eternal life. Picture :  https://achristianpilgrim.wordpress.com/2014/04/29/born-of-the-spirit-john-37-15/

16 April 2023 | 復活期第二主日福音 | 救主慈悲 | 若望福音 20:19~31

多默是懷疑論者。 多默示理性主義者。 多默就是現今的世人。 除非親眼見過、觸摸過,要不然決不會承認、和相信。我們身為教友,以為自己的信德就是信仰,其實往往理性思維大於信德。一位教外人,從未接觸過基督信仰,卻對天地萬物冥冥之中有主宰深信不移。 我們透過領洗入教,擁有信仰,卻埋沒了信德。然而多默還未伸手指入肋膀,就馬上說:「我主!我天主!」(若望福音 20 : 28) 若望福音中多默的回應,不單是說出他看見了復活的主耶穌,更說出耶穌的本質,既是天主、也是人,同時擁有天主性和人性的主耶穌。 耶穌向門徒顯現,加以說明祂就是默西亞。是為了宗徒們向後世福傳復活的喜訊。 我們看見了,也為他作證,且把這原與父同在,且已顯示給我們的永遠的生命,傳報給你們。 ( 若一 1:2) Picture : https://pcpe.smu.edu/blog/preaching-john-20-19a-31-in-the-midst-of-the-pandemic

16 April 2023 | Second Easter Sunday Gospel | Savior's Mercy | John 20:19~31

Thomas is a skeptic. Thomas is a  rationalist. Thomas is the world today. Thomas was someone who didn't always believe things right away. He liked to make sure he could see or touch things before he believed in them.  Some people believe in things even if they can't see or touch them, but Thomas thought it was important to use our brains to think about things too. Even if we can't see something, we can still think about it and try to understand it. One day, Thomas saw something really amazing! He saw Jesus, who had come back to life after dying. When he saw this, he knew that Jesus was more than just a normal person - he was both God and a person at the same time. After Jesus came back to life, he told his disciples to go and tell other people about it. That's how we still know about it today! Even though we can't see or touch Jesus ourselves. We can still use our brains to understand who he is and what he did. And we can believe in him, just like Thomas did. We saw...

9 April 2023 | Easter Sunday Gospel | John 20:1-9

John 20:1-9 tells the story of Jesus' resurrection. The death and resurrection of Jesus is at the heart of the Christian faith because it brings salvation to humanity. Jesus' resurrection proved that he was the Messiah promised in the Old Testament. In the text, Mary Magdalene immediately told Peter and John when she found Jesus' tomb empty. When they heard the news, they ran to see the tomb and believed what Mary Magdalene had said. This shows that faith is a crucial factor in understanding and accepting Jesus' salvation. Salvation is not only for all humanity, but also has a personal direction. In the text, the news of Jesus' resurrection was first told to Mary Magdalene. Each person can accept salvation through their own faith and relationship with Jesus. In summary, John 20:1-9 is a very important text that emphasises the core of Jesus' resurrection and salvation, the importance of faith and the personalisation of salvation. These theological meanings are ve...

9 April 2023 | 基督復活主日福音 | 若望福音 20:1-9

若望福音 20:1-9 描述了耶穌復活的故事,耶穌的死亡和復活是教會信仰的核心,因為耶穌的犧牲和復活帶來了人類的救贖,耶穌的復活證明了祂是舊約中所預許的默西亞。 很多朋友都以此福音,去衡量 伯多祿和若望的性格、信德等等,其實經文也不夠資料去討論兩人為性格,因為帶著疑惑、及成為震撼現實,超乎預平常人的預期,其舉動和反應,一定會是跟平常不同。 在經文中,瑪利亞瑪達肋納在發現耶穌的墳墓空了之後,馬上回報給伯多祿和若望。他們聽到這個消息後,馬上跑去看耶穌的墳墓,並且相信了瑪利亞瑪達肋納所說的話。這表明信仰是一個關鍵因素,只有通過信仰,我們才能瞭解和接受耶穌的救贖。救贖不單是全人類,也有個人的導向,在經文中,耶穌復活的消息最初是告訴瑪利亞瑪達肋納的,每個人都可以通過自己的信仰、和與耶穌的關係來接受救恩。 總之,若望福音 20:1-9 是一個非常重要的經文,它強調了耶穌的復活和救贖的核心,信仰的重要性以及救恩的個人化。這些神學意義對基督徒來說非常重要,因為它們幫助我們更深入地瞭解耶穌的救贖和我們與祂的關係。 Picture : https://presbydestrian.wordpress.com/2013/03/31/witnessing-the-resurrection-john-201-18-and-acts-1034-43-easter-sunday-march-31-2013-fpc-jesup/

驢子 | 《瑪竇福音》21:1~11

耶穌胸有成竹,祂一直向前,知道天主父一定會供應所需。這也告訴我們,耶穌總是在到達一個地方之前準備好了所有。他毫不懷疑自己是誰,但也不介意走最低的路。當祂騎著驢子進入耶路撒冷時,人們高聲讚頌他,引起了極大的騷動。他們奉獻東西,把毯子丟在街上讓他穿過,掌樹葉 …… 同時高聲讚美。 在古代,驢子通常被視為一種謙卑和謹慎的象徵,驢子也是一種常用於農耕和運輸的動物,因此也代表著勞動和負擔。然而,馬卻被視為一種壯麗和威武的象徵,馬與驢子相對起來有很大的分別。 在《瑪竇福音》 21:1~11 中,耶穌騎著驢子進入耶路撒冷,這代表了祂的謙卑和謹慎,並向人們展示了祂不是以暴力和強制的方式來統治,而是以愛和謙卑的態度來服務和拯救人類。耶穌騎著驢子進入耶路撒冷,也符合聖經中對默西亞的預言。在《匝加利亞先知書》 9:9 中,先知預言說:「看,你的君王到你這裏來,他是正義的,勝利的,謙遜的,騎在驢上,騎在驢駒上。」因此,耶穌騎著驢子進入耶路撒冷,也代表了祂是默西亞的到來。 Picture : https://www.idisciple.org/post/matthew-21-1-22-hosanna

Donkey | Matthew 21:1~11

In ancient times, donkeys were thought to be humble and wise animals. They were often used to help with farm work and to carry things. So they also represented hard work and hardship. Horses, on the other hand, were seen as strong and powerful animals, very different from donkeys. In a story in the Bible called Matthew 21:1-11, Jesus rode into a city called Jerusalem on a donkey. This was a way of showing people that he was a humble leader who didn't want to rule by force or power. He wanted to help and save people with love and kindness. Riding on a donkey also fulfilled a prophecy in the Bible that said the Messiah (or Saviour) would come on a donkey. This is written in the book of Zechariah, chapter 9, verse 9. So Jesus' riding on a donkey was not only a humble way of travelling, but also a sign that he was the promised Messiah. Picture : https://blclebanon.org/2019/12/01/first-sunday-in-advent-text-matthew-211-11/

Symbolic Actions of Jesus | Eucharist

(Luke 22:19-20; Mark 14:22-24; Matthew 26:26-28; John 6:51-58) At the Last Supper, Jesus gave bread and wine to his disciples. This is a ceremony known as the Eucharist or the Lord's Supper. The Lord's Supper commemorates Jesus' death and the shedding of his blood, which also symbolises his redeeming and sacrificial love. Communion allows Christians to remember and appreciate what Jesus has done for them. It also helps them to better understand the value of his love and salvation. Picture : https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/44853/pope-francis-the-eucharist-gives-us-christs-healing-love

耶穌的象徵性行動 | 聖體聖事

(路加福音 22:19-20、 馬爾谷福音 14:22-24 、瑪竇福音 26:26-28 、若望福音 6:51-58 ) 耶穌在最後的晚餐中,將麵餅和酒分給門徒,這個儀式被稱為「聖體聖事」或「主的晚餐」。這個儀式是紀念耶穌的聖死和祂的聖血,這也象徵著祂的救贖和祂犧牲自己的愛。透過聖餐,信眾能夠紀念和感謝耶穌為他們所做的一切,也能夠更加深入地體會祂的愛和救贖的價值。 Picture : https://www.saintcharles.org/eucharist/

Symbolic Actions of Jesus | Baptism of Jesus

When Jesus was baptised, He showed that He was humble and obedient. He even accepted himself as a sinner! This means that He was willing to take on the sins of all people and do what God of the Father wanted Him to do.  At the same time, Jesus' baptism was like a new beginning for Him. The Holy Spirit appeared and gave Him the power to start a new life. This was the beginning of Jesus' important mission on earth. So Jesus' baptism is a very special event that teaches us to be humble, obedient and willing to do our duty. Picture : https://www.journeywithjesus.net/essays/2497-stepping-in

耶穌的象徵性行動 | 耶穌的受洗

耶穌的受洗,有着謙卑和服從的意義,祂表明了謙遜和服從,並以自己作為一個罪人受 洗, 祂 自願承擔起人類的罪惡,並準備好履行天主父賦予 祂 的使命,另一方面也有重 生 和新生命的象徵性,因為在耶穌受洗的時刻,聖神顯現在 祂 的身上,這代表着神聖的 力 量和新生命的開始。耶穌受洗之後, 祂 神聖的使命開始了, 祂 是被照選並準 備履行 祂 的使命。 Picture : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Baptism-of-Christ.jpg

Palm branches | Matthew 21:1~11 | John 12:12~19

Palm branches have a special meaning in the Bible, especially when it comes to celebrating victory and joy. They were used to show that people had won a battle or to celebrate an important event. When Jesus entered Jerusalem in Matthew 21:1-11, the people greeted him with palm branches, showing that they believed he was a victorious and powerful leader. It was a sign of their love and confidence in Him. Waving the palm branches was also a way for them to show honour and respect to Jesus. In "John's Gospel" 12:12~19, we also see that the people welcomed Jesus with palm branches and cheers. This event foreshadowed that Jesus would soon become the Saviour of the Jews. The salvation He brings is very significant and will change history forever. The people knew that something special was happening and they were filled with excitement and hope for the future. Picture : https://signoftherose.org/2020/09/23/matthew-21-1-11-the-entry-into-jerusalem/

02 April 2023 | Palm Sunday | Matthew 21:1~11

When Jesus came to Jerusalem, he rode on a donkey and the people were very happy to see him. This was a special moment because it meant that Jesus was the chosen one for whom people had been waiting for a long time, and they believed in their hearts that he would help them. The donkey that Jesus rode on is a symbol of humility, which means that Jesus was not proud or boastful, but kind and gentle. The people were so excited to see him that they spread clothes and palm branches on the ground in front of him as a sign of respect. But Jesus knew that he had a greater mission, and that was to save people from their sins. He knew that he would have to go through a lot of pain and suffering and he was willing to do whatever it took to complete his mission. He knew that he would soon be arrested, suffer and eventually be crucified on the cross. This was his sacrifice for all of us, and it shows how much he loved us. So when we remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, we should think about ho...

02 Apr 2023 | 聖枝主日 | 瑪竇福音 21:1~11

「耶穌進入耶路撒冷」    耶穌騎驢子進入耶路撒冷,並受到群眾的熱烈歡迎,這充滿了象徵的意義,在經文中騎驢子代表著謙卑,另外,群眾熱烈地歡迎耶穌,並把衣服和棕樹枝鋪在祂的面前,這表明他們認為,耶穌就是他們心中期待已久的救主默西亞。然而,耶穌進入耶路撒冷其真正的目的,是為了完成祂的救贖使命,耶穌知道自己即將面臨的苦難和死亡,這也預示了祂將在不久的將來被逮捕,受盡痛苦並最終犧牲自己的生命,以及被釘在十字架丄,是贖回人類的罪。 Picture : https://andywrasman.com/tag/matthew-211-11/